Here we are

Here we are
Septeber 30 2007

Monday, August 20, 2007

Rain, Rain, Go Away

Well, in my last post, I said I was going to get out on the bicycle and make the Indiana border. What I didn't realize is that it was raining heavily outside. Biking was cancelled for the day. Not much else to do in Ottawa, IL, so we started our ballpark trip earlier than expected that day. We had a quick stop in Dunkin' Donuts. That was a first for us in over two months!! We are definitely on the right side of the country now!
Headed up north to Milwaukee during the afternoon. It was raining and had some construction around, so it was slow going. We drove directly to the ballpark to get tickets for the next day and we scored big. 3 tickets 3 rows up from the visitors dugout!!
We saw a movie later that day "Superbad" It was funny in a guy sort of way about teen ager angst. It wouldn't have been the movie we chose to see, but the Bourne movie was sold out. Miller Park (named after the beer) was the neatest park we have seen so far. It has a retractable roof which we needed. It was raining really heavy outside and we were nice and dry. I have never seen so much beer in a ballpark in all my life. We weren't 10 steps from our car when a Brewers fan asked if we were from Boston (what tipped him off? see picture above) He promptly offered us a beer. Since it was 11 AM we politely declined. There was more than enough for us inside the park.
The game was exciting. It was a 7-6 ballgame with 5 home runs. The home team lost so it wasn't as loud and boisterous as other parks have been, but it was probably the most enjoyable time we have had in any of the 4 parks we have visited this summer.
When I took the picture above, I realized that the camera was broken. Matt's point and shoot dropped out of my bike bag a couple days ago and the LCD screen broke. Also, the camera doesn't take all the pictures it's supposed to. I must have pushed the button 20 times and only 4 pictures showed up on the download. I guess I owe him a new camera.
Anyhow, today is the day for the boys to play golf in Illinois, if the rain holds off. I see some friends from Chicago tonight and then we are back biking tomorrow. I am ready. I have only biked 2 days in the last 7 and am feeling it. The rain may continue for a few days, so I may be biking in it for a while. I think it will probably feel better than the 90/90 days lately(that's 90 degrees with 90% humidity- a Midwest killer)
Anyhow, that's all for now,

1 comment:

Peg said...

Wow, Joe! Can't believe you're in Illinois already. You guys look great. Good luck with the roads to come. It didn't sound good crossing the river. Love, Peg